Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Lifecycle of a Modern Reboot

 Phase 1: Netflix announce a remake of classic 80s show "The A Team" with the original cast replaced by a quartet of one-legged transexual Polynesian dwarfs.

Phase 2: Fans of the original series flood social media with complaints.

Phase 3: Non-fans react by accusing the complainants of being racist, sexist, transphobic, ableist man-babies.

Phase 4: Fans of the original series accuse the non-fans of being woke SJWs.

Phase 5: The abuse intensifies. Cast members, writers and directors of the new show shut down their Twitter accounts following a hail of racist, sexist, body-shaming abuse.

Phase 6: The new show is released. Critic reviews are universally positive. The audience score on Rancid Plums lands somewhere around 5%.

Phase 7: The Netflix show is withdrawn. A new reboot is announced with the one-legged transexual Polynesian dwarfs replaced with a group of lookalikes of the original cast with all the familiar story beats and elements from the original show reinstated. Fans of the original show celebrate.

Phase 8: The new reboot is released. The fan score on Rancid Plums is 92%. The critics, disgusted by Netflix's blatant pandering to the UKIP supporters in the audience, pan the new show and give it an aggregator score of -3%.

Phase 9: Everyone agrees that Rancid Plums is an inaccurate way of scoring a TV show.


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