Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Film Pitch No. 1
Noddy the Movie
Update of the kids favourite, starring the cream of the British film industry. Aside from the token Yanks.
Jude Law as Noddy
John C. Reilly as Big Ears
Gwyneth Paltrow as Tessie Bear
Ray Winstone as Mr. Plod
Gary Oldman as Evil Golliwog
Tim Roth as a Goblin
Ewan McGregor as Another Goblin
Plot Synopsis
Plot? Plot? Who needs a plot? Come on, everyone remembers Noddy! This'll be a sell-out. And imagine the potential for Happy Meal tie-ins.

A Speculation:
In an alternative universe that is very close to our own, Catherine Zeta-Jones, a hairdresser, walks into a small greengrocer's owned by Michael Douglas.
Catherine Zeta-Jones: A pound of plums please.
Michael Douglas: Here you go madam.
Catherine Zeta-Jones: Thank you good sir.
Michael Douglas: You are most welcome. I say, would you like to go out for a drink sometime?
Catherine Zeta-Jones: On your bike you old fossil!

My alternative cast list for Lord of the Rings:
Ant & Dec as Frodo and Sam
Alan Titchmarsh as Pippin
Keith Chegwin as Merry
Noddy Holder as Bilbo
David Copperfield as Gandalf
The Great Suprendo as Saruman (Hiff paff poof!)
Christopher Biggins as Wormtongue
Callista Flockhart as Gollum
Leonard Nimoy as Legolas
Lionel Richie as Aragorn
Kate Winslet as Gimli