Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Georgie and Granny have a chat

 Georgie was crying.

'What's wrong Dearie?' Granny asked.

'The children at school are picking on me,' Georgie said, sniffling.

'What are they doing?' Granny asked.

'Calling me names,' Georgie said. 'They call me "Tomato".'

Georgie's hair was red and curly like his mummy's.

'Oh, how horrid,' said Granny. She put down her cup of tea and pulled her chair closer to Georgie's.

'Listen, Pet,' Granny said. 'Children can be very unkind sometimes. I remember when I was at school, I got teased as well, for the same reason. My hair was just like yours.'

'Just like mine?' Georgie sniffed.

'Yes, just like yours,' Granny said. 'The reddest hair in the world. The other children used to call me names, like "ketchup" and "carrot", and it really upset me.'

'Really?' Georgie asked. He had thought Granny's hair had always been grey.

'Really, Dearie,' Granny answered. 'And do you know what I did? I remembered what my mummy told me, that my hair was what made me special. I knew that having hair such an unusual colour was a gift, given to me by the angels. And that's what you need to tell yourself.'

'By the angels?' Georgie asked, wiping his nose with his sleeve.

'Yes, Poppet,' Granny said, smiling. 'And one day, when you're older, people will see how lovely you look and say nicer things to  you.'

'Really?' Georgie said.

'Really,' Granny said. 'Are you feeling better now?'

'Yes, Granny,' Georgie answered, smiling.

Granny waved goodbye to Georgie and his mummy as they got in the car and drove away. Once they were gone, she stripped naked, spread jam all over herself and did cartwheels around her garden.