Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Lifecycle of a Modern Reboot

 Phase 1: Netflix announce a remake of classic 80s show "The A Team" with the original cast replaced by a quartet of one-legged transexual Polynesian dwarfs.

Phase 2: Fans of the original series flood social media with complaints.

Phase 3: Non-fans react by accusing the complainants of being racist, sexist, transphobic, ableist man-babies.

Phase 4: Fans of the original series accuse the non-fans of being woke SJWs.

Phase 5: The abuse intensifies. Cast members, writers and directors of the new show shut down their Twitter accounts following a hail of racist, sexist, body-shaming abuse.

Phase 6: The new show is released. Critic reviews are universally positive. The audience score on Rancid Plums lands somewhere around 5%.

Phase 7: The Netflix show is withdrawn. A new reboot is announced with the one-legged transexual Polynesian dwarfs replaced with a group of lookalikes of the original cast with all the familiar story beats and elements from the original show reinstated. Fans of the original show celebrate.

Phase 8: The new reboot is released. The fan score on Rancid Plums is 92%. The critics, disgusted by Netflix's blatant pandering to the UKIP supporters in the audience, pan the new show and give it an aggregator score of -3%.

Phase 9: Everyone agrees that Rancid Plums is an inaccurate way of scoring a TV show.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Georgie and Granny have a chat

 Georgie was crying.

'What's wrong Dearie?' Granny asked.

'The children at school are picking on me,' Georgie said, sniffling.

'What are they doing?' Granny asked.

'Calling me names,' Georgie said. 'They call me "Tomato".'

Georgie's hair was red and curly like his mummy's.

'Oh, how horrid,' said Granny. She put down her cup of tea and pulled her chair closer to Georgie's.

'Listen, Pet,' Granny said. 'Children can be very unkind sometimes. I remember when I was at school, I got teased as well, for the same reason. My hair was just like yours.'

'Just like mine?' Georgie sniffed.

'Yes, just like yours,' Granny said. 'The reddest hair in the world. The other children used to call me names, like "ketchup" and "carrot", and it really upset me.'

'Really?' Georgie asked. He had thought Granny's hair had always been grey.

'Really, Dearie,' Granny answered. 'And do you know what I did? I remembered what my mummy told me, that my hair was what made me special. I knew that having hair such an unusual colour was a gift, given to me by the angels. And that's what you need to tell yourself.'

'By the angels?' Georgie asked, wiping his nose with his sleeve.

'Yes, Poppet,' Granny said, smiling. 'And one day, when you're older, people will see how lovely you look and say nicer things to  you.'

'Really?' Georgie said.

'Really,' Granny said. 'Are you feeling better now?'

'Yes, Granny,' Georgie answered, smiling.

Granny waved goodbye to Georgie and his mummy as they got in the car and drove away. Once they were gone, she stripped naked, spread jam all over herself and did cartwheels around her garden.

Monday, February 20, 2006

*** News ***

Hot on the heels of their success at the Brit Awards, Coldplay announced their intentions to record a tribute album to one of the greatest bands of all time.
"We've been so influential and such an inspiration to so many," said the band's frontman, Chris Martin. "We feel it really is time to give ourselves the recognition we deserve. That's why we're going to make this very special record."
The album will feature the band performing cover versions of songs from the multi-million selling X & Y plus tracks from their previous albums, Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head. There will also be a limited edition CD packaged to resemble Chris Martin's head, with a bonus CD containing over 1000 detailed pictures of Chris.
"It's going to be difficult to do ourselves justice with this record," Martin said. "But we should be able to manage it if we push ourselves."
Proceeds from sales of the album will go to a recently-established fund to enable the band to continue with the vital work of producing music that will enrich the lives of their generation.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of year again, when tyrants, overlords, overfiends and arch-monstrosities from every corner of the universe get their chance to prove themselves the baddest mothers in this or any other world by kicking the black snot out of each other. The contestants this time around are:

Clash of the Titans (1981)

Legend (1985)

The Beast
Krull (1983)

Lord of the Rings (2001)

The Nome King
Return to Oz (1985)

The White Witch
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

The Nothing
The Neverending Story (1984)

Round 1: The White Witch vs the Nome King
The White Witch attempts to use her magic wand to turn the Nome king into stone. A futile effort, since the Nome King is made of stone already. While she is busy fumbling around in her handbag looking for another diabolical device to use against him, His Royal Nomeness turns her into stone and takes her head to give to his girlfriend. There is a loud cheer as a bunch of talking animals get to go out and enjoy the sunshine again.

Round 2: The Nome King vs Sauron
Making one of his rare appearances outside Mount Doom, the "Middle-Earth Mauler" towers over his stony opponent, only to find himself abruptly looking upwards as the Nome King demonstrates his size-changing ability to terrifying effect. It's difficult to make out Sauron's reactions behind his spiky helmet, but it's probably safe to assume that it's getting very wet inside that armoured suit. Unfazed by either fiery sorcery or magic rings, the rocky monolith proceeds to pick the Dark Lord up and crack him into bite-sized pieces like a lobster. A lot of crunching and munching later, and the Nome King is licking his gravelly lips while Sauron, finding himself not only separated from the finger bearing his precious ring, but also from every other finger plus his hands, arms, legs and torso, makes a swift retreat to his dark lair to recuperate.

Round 3: Darkness vs Calibos
Overcome by an attack of "horn envy", Calibos succumbs to Darkness' teasing and orders his stop-motion double to tear Big Red's giant ears off. Unfortunately, said stop-motion double is only a few inches tall and is no match for his demonic opponent, who bends him into a pretzel. The ensuing clash, as the real Calibos and Darkness bang heads, sees the "Greek Grappler" come off second best before Big Red demonstrates why huge tails are a major disadvantage for a villain, using his rival's tail to swing him repeatedly into the ground until he resembles a blob of hairy jam. Calibos makes one last whining entreaty to his mum before expiring.

Round 4: The Beast vs Darkness
A nasty one this. These two have been itching to get at each other for years, each having been accusing the other of ripping off his "big evil scheme" (corrupt and win over innocent princess to be bride, take over the world, duel with the dashing hero, etc.). There are a few tedious moments of challenging roars before these two handsome specimens lay into each other, grappling and groping like muscly lovers. The Beast quickly gains the upper hand by commanding his stony fortress of evil to crash down on Darkness' head. Big Red is not to be so easily squelched, however, and, after crawling out from underneath the unwieldy structure, uses his "magic mirror" trick to sneak up behind the Beast and gore him into grey pate. There are a few moments of confusion as the Beast's fortress of evil does its crumbling and falling up into space in pieces thing.

Round 5: The Nome King vs Sauron part 2
Having spent a while recovering in the form of a giant flaming eye, Sauron returns to the ring rejuvenated and suited up for another round with the Nome King, only to find that his rival has popped out for a lunch break and.....silly boy!.....ingested half of an egg and cress sandwich, leaving a rubbly mess all over the canteen floor. Foul play is suspected....

Round 6: Sauron vs Darkness
Clearly disadvantaged from the outset, not only is Darkness several heads shorter than the "Middle-Earth Mauler", but has grown soft and flabby from only having cute widdle pixies and dwarves to push around, while hard-as-nails Sauron eats whole alliances of elves and men for breakfast. Darkness initially attempts to cut his foe down to size with his Big Scary Sword, but only succeeds in breaking it on Sauron's armour (isn't there a rule about competitors taking armour with them into the ring, by the way? Must look that up). After a lot of ducking and dodging and ineffectual roaring, Big Red finally makes a feeble effort to impale the Dark Lord on his oversized antlers, the Dark Lord's response being a swift kick in Big Red's pointy teeth before opening the nearest window to let in the sun. There is a whiff of something resembling barbecued ox as Darkness (who forgot that sunblock again, berk) succumbs to his allergy. Sauron shakes his fists and wobbles his pointy head in victory. All this goes to show that, no matter how powerful a devil you are, it's still a bad idea to keep on and on talking out loud about your One Big Weakness.

Round 7: Sauron vs The Nothing
Oh, dear, this is a bit of an anticlimax. Having made it through to the final round, our favourite tin-plated tyrant steels himself (no pun intended!) for the ultimate smackdown with the natural enemy of fictional characters everywhere, only to be sucked into oblivion, magic ring and all. Sad. Finding itself on a roll, The Nothing then proceeds to vacuum up everything in sight, before the realisation that it is itself a made-up plot device leads it to negate itself, leaving the judges of the contest with a distressing lack of anyone to award the Hardest Fantasy Villain trophy to. That said, the universe is now a slightly safer place to live in.

Friday, February 10, 2006

*** EXCLUSIVE!!!! ***

Last week a Hollywood insider managed to smuggle a copy of the shooting script for Charley's Angels 3 from McG's office. Check it out!


written by a record number of different screenwriters

first draft
January 27 2006

Scene 1
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as astronauts.
Lucy: Cool!

Scene 2
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as traffic cops.
Cameron: Awesome!

Scene 3
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as Baywatch-style lifeguards.
Drew: Gnarly!

Scene 4
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as red indians.
Lucy: Giggle!

Scene 5
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as jockeys.
Cameron: Tee hee hee!

Scene 6
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as pink bunnies.
Drew: Cool!

Scene 7
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as rock stars.
Lucy: Gnarly!

Scene 8
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as call girls.
Cameron: Awesome!

Scene 9
Lucy, Cameron and Drew dressed as vampires.
Drew: Giggle!

Roll end credits to the sound of "Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves" by Annie and Aretha.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Film Pitch no. 8

Revenge of the Horror Cliches

Directed by: Oh, who cares? Anyone.
Starring: Same as above.

A group of teenagers find themselves trapped overnight in an amusement park where they are picked off one-by-one by a clown, a carousel horse, and a Victorian porcelain-headed doll in a sailor suit.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

*** News ***

London's first "Reality Cuisine" restaurant closed down yesterday, its manager citing "poor public response" as the reason for the closure. The establishment had courted controversy due to its unorthodox methods of preparing food for its customers. A collection of vegetable and herb allotments was kept in view of the restaurant's clientele and staff, next to a grouping of enclosures containing various farmyard animals. Customers would be allowed to enter, make a choice from the menu, and would then have a selection of animals appropriate to the specified dish paraded in front of them. The selected animal/s would be slaughtered, butchered and then cooked in front of the customer. The choice of chef and kitchen utensils used would be dictated in similar fashion.
Aside from the obvious objections of the Vegetarian community, the restaurant was beset by other problems from the outset, including the short-lived popularity of most of their meals. "Nice, but uninteresting after the first course," was the objection of one top-ranking food critic, while another stated that the establishment was "simply re-hashing recipes that have been done a thousand times before". Other, famous figures from the food industry were equally scathing: "Well, it's not proper food, is it?" remarked popular TV chef Jamie Oliver, 16, "so I ain't interested mate. Pukka." Meanwhile, Gordon Ramsey, 87, told reporters that he thought the whole idea was "*******!!! A load of *****-******ing ********!!!!"